1. Go is played with a board and stones

  • The board has a grid of lines

  • The game pieces are called stones

  • One player uses black stones, the other uses white stones

  • A standard Go board has a 19x19 grid. Smaller boards are often used to play quicker games or for teaching beginners.

2. Players take turns placing stones on the board

  • One stone per turn

  • Black plays first

  • Stones are placed on the intersections of the lines

  • Stones cannot move after being placed

  • Stones of the same color can be connected to form a “group

3. Surround territory to win

  • Players use their stones to build groups and walls that surround “territory

  • Territory is any open board space (unoccupied intersections) that has been fully surrounded by a player’s stones

  • The game ends when neither player can expand their territory any further

  • The player with the most territory wins

4. One more thing - stones can be captured

  • Players can also use their stones to surround the stones of their opponent

  • Stones that have been fully surrounded are “captured,” and removed from the board

  • Players get +1 point for each stone they capture

  • Go can be won without capturing any stones

You just learned Go!

Hurray! So what’s next?

There are a few more basic concepts that are super useful to know. You can read about them now, or start playing right away and discover them for yourself!

Either way we’ve got you covered: